When it comes to purchasing luxury handbags, very few brands are as iconic or as well sought after as Hermès. Known for their craftsmanship, sky-high prices, and most famously, the dubiously dubbed ‘Hermès game’, these bags are the epitome of luxury and a must-have in any self-confessed fashion girl's wardrobe.
Offering an array of styles, sizes, colours, leathers, and hardwares - each with its own unique allure, here’s all you need to know when purchasing your dream (or first) Hermès bag from Club19 London.
Whilst you really can’t go wrong when picking a piece from Hermès, they are famed particularly for two key ‘quota’ bags, the Birkin and the Kelly, as well as the original ‘OG’ Constance.
Named after, and famed by actress Jane Birkin, the eponymously named Birkin bag is the holy grail of Hermès and is arguably the most famous of all styles. Available in sizes ranging from 20cm up to 55cm, it can accommodate all your needs - from a casual day bag to a handy travel companion (see: HAC 55cm!). The Birkin, like all Hermès bags, is available in a range of leathers: Togo, Epsom, and Clemence to name a few, but also exotic leathers such as Crocodile, Alligator, and Ostrich, all of which can be created using the Retourne method (rounded edges) or Sellier (structured, rigid edges). It comes in an array of colours, from classic shades like Noir (black) and Gold (tan), to seasonal colours introduced by the brand each year, and special order colour combinations (HSS), too - but that’s for another post.
Next, we have The Kelly. Named after the epitome of grace herself, Grace Kelly, it’s the perfect accessory to carry you from day to night; the optional shoulder strap that the Kelly offers is the key characteristic to differentiate it from it’s sibling, the Birkin, allowing you to carry it using the top handle or go hands-free with the shoulder strap. Coming in sizes 15cm to 50cm (with the 20cm Mini Kelly being a standout in any wardrobe!), it can be dressed up or down and is a truly versatile piece to add to your collection. As with the Birkin, the Kelly can also be crafted in a variety of leathers, colours and hardwares, offering endless combinations to explore until you find the right fit.
The Constance, in comparison to the Birkin and Kelly, is a more compact and versatile cross-body bag, perfect for those who prefer a smaller, more casual, and convenient size without sacrificing style. Despite its smaller size, the Constance is just as expertly crafted and is available in a range of sizes, including micro, 18cm, 24cm, and Elan (most often now found vintage), ensuring there's a perfect fit for every need.
Over its decades of craftsmanship, Hermès have offered a huge variety of leathers, many of which only found in vintage styles today and no longer produced. Each leather is unique and creates a specific look and feel for the bag, even altering the appearance of the colour too in many cases. The most popular leathers that you will find actively being produced today include Togo, Epsom and Chèvre. For a more luxurious and elevated feel, Boxcalf (a full grain, shiny, and very sensitive material) may be used, or the extremely sought-after exotic leathers of course.
Togo leather is one of the most popular and widely used leathers for Hermès bags. It is known for its large grain which gives it more of a textured appearance that's both beautiful and resilient. This medium-weight leather holds its shape very well in the smaller size pieces (up to about 30cm), but in the larger size will slowly soften over time adding to the ‘worn’ look of the bag, and giving it that well-loved character.
One of the best things about Togo is that it is very scratch-resistant, making it the best choice for everyday use and as a first-time purchase. An important thing to note about Togo is that it is only available in the Retourne (rounded edge); this is more suitable for anybody hoping to achieve a softer look, and arguably slightly less formal.
Epsom leather is the most highly sought-after and popular leather used in Hermès bags, particularly in the Kellys. It can be recognised predominantly by its distinctive, embossed grain and structure, a much finer grain than you can see in Togo leather. Thanks to this more rigid appearance, Epsom leather offers an undeniable sense of luxury and exudes the excellence in Hermès craftsmanship. It is the most durable and most scratch resistant leather in the Hermès leather catalogue, making it an excellent choice for anybody hoping to keep their bags in pristine condition for years to come. Epsom leather is almost always found in the Sellier style, with sharp edges and arguably a more formal presentation, though in bags above size 30cm you can sometimes find the Retourne as well.
Chèvre leather can be found in two varieties: Chamkila and Mysore. These both have a distinctively different grain to Togo and Epsom, being large in size but less pronounced visually than either, giving it quite a smooth appearance. Chèvre leather is brilliantly scratch-resistant too, making it durable in nature and not extremely precious to take care of; it is for this reason that you will find the lining of many Hermès bags produced in Chèvre Mysore leather, as it can withstand lots of battering! The key difference to highlight between Chamkila and Mysore would be that Chamkila has a noticeable sheen to it, whereas Mysore is more matte, like the majority of the commonly used leathers. Although it is not extremely common to find it in Retourne, Chèvre is produced in both the Sellier and the Retourne styles. It is a truly durable, unique leather choice and absorbs pigment very well, making colours pop beautifully.
Exotic leathers are the most luxurious materials Hermès uses in their handbags and are crowned the crème-de-la-crème in any fashionista's closet. Famed skins such as the Himalayan make this leather a much higher price point, as Alligator and Crocodile are renowned for their distinctive scales, and the precise craftsmanship required to work with these materials. In shiny or matte finishes, they are generally very durable but they are a lot more sensitive to wet weather conditions, so it’s important to be conscious of this when using them. Bags made with these leathers are certainly an investment piece and are often considered collectors items due to their rarity, and the skill required to make, but also source them responsibly. All brand new pieces come with their own ‘passport’ names the CITES, permitting you to travel overseas with them without hassle. Vintage pieces, whilst extremely coveted and rare to find, often come without the paperwork due to their old age, but offer a completely priceless charm and unmatched uniqueness.
Here at Club19 London, we have an array of colours, styles, and finishes for your perfect purchase. Not just an accessory; Hermès bags are a statement, investment, and a piece of wearable art. Get in touch with our private shoppers today to discuss!